Popular Services
Report a hardware, software, network, application or other issue.
A library of video tutorials about software and skills taught by industry experts
Microsoft Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Teams, Bookings
Non emergency repair requests that do not require immediate attention.
White Paper and Supplies Delivery Request / Loading Dock Assistance
Research involving human subjects at RCTC requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) review and approval to comply with federal regulations and ensure participant protection.
Workday assistance and general HR-related questions or issues.
Workday assistance and general business/financial management related questions or issues.
Get assistance with RCTC Office desktops, laptops, or mobile devices.
Additional security measure for your Microsoft Office365 account
Computer Lab Locations and Schedules
Strategic Initiatives / Repair and Replacement / Operational Requests / Resources
State of Minnesota Employee Self-Service Portal (non-Workday)