Kaltura MediaSpace


Kaltura MediaSpace is a storage platform for video and audio files. Kaltura automatically optimizes video and audio files for use with any device. It includes strong accessibility workflows, powerful search functions, video quizzes, and deep analytics.


Students, Employees



Faculty may want to post instructional videos to MediaSpace.  Students may be sent a video from their tutor or instructor, or asked to share videos of their work. RCTC students and staff already have a MediaSpace account through MinnState. There is no need to sign up for an account, simply log in with your StarID and password.

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*Closed captioning is available within the video apps. If you are hard of hearing or need any other accommodations, please contact the Technology Support Center.


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Service ID: 4350
Thu 7/7/22 1:20 PM
Wed 11/1/23 2:24 PM