E-mail Account

Student Access

LOGIN USERNAME:  StarID@go.minnstate.edu
Example: ab1234yz@go.minnstate.edu
Password: Your StarID Password

RCTC address for others to e-mail you:  Firstname.Lastname@my.rctc.edu

Employee Access

LOGIN USERNAME:  StarID@minnstate.edu
Example: ab1234yz@minnstate.edu
Password: Your StarID Password

RCTC Employee e-mail address:  Firstname.Lastname@rctc.edu


E-mail is the official means of communication at RCTC.  Microsoft Outllook using Microsoft 365 is the provided e-mail inbox.


RCTC students currently enrolled in at least one class, Employees.


Official campus e-mail account can be accessed through Microsoft Outlook installed on a computer, or Outlook.com online through any browser connected to the Internet as follows:

  • Sign in at https://www.outlook.com/minnstate.edu
  • Student LOGIN is:   “StarID@go.minnstate.edu”.
  • Employee LOGIN is:   "StarID@minnstate.edu"  NOTE: NO "go" ...only minnstate.edu
  • Password is StarID password.
    (NOTE: passwords containing the following characters are known to cause email access issues: # . $ )


  1. New RCTC student e-mail account will be created 90 days before the admitted semester starts. 
  2. Enrolled RCTC students e-mail accounts are deactivated and deleted 365 days after the last day of the semester in which you were enrolled in a course. Be sure to forward or save any messages you want before the account is closed!
  3. Passwords are required to be changed every 180 days.
  4. NOTE: passwords containing the following characters are known to cause email access issues: # . $   (hash, period, dollar)
  5. You are responsible for adhering to the Email/Technology Usage Guidelines
  6. If you have questions or need help: contact the Technology Support Center (TSC):
    • Call: 507-536-5555
    • Location: Main Campus M1104      Location: Heintz Center H1433
    • Or use the "Request Help" button to the right

 More Information

All students are responsible for activating their university network ID and their e-mail account. RCTC assigned student e-mail accounts shall be the preferred means of communication with all students attending Rochester Community and Technical College.  Students are responsible for all information sent to them via their officially assigned e-mail account. If a student chooses to forward their RCTC e-mail account, he or she is responsible for all information, including attachments, sent to any other e-mail account.

**If a student or applicant chooses to forward his/her mail to another e-mail address (AOL, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.), the primary campus e-mail address remains the destination for official RCTC correspondence.

Students who choose to have their e-mail forwarded to a private e-mail address outside the official RCTC network address will be doing so at their own risk. RCTC is not responsible for any difficulties that may occur in the proper or timely transmission or access of e-mail forwarded to any unofficial e-mail address, and any such problems will not absolve students of their responsibility to know and comply with the content of official communications sent to students’ official RCTC e-mail addresses.


Phishing Prevention

Prevent and Report E-mail Phishing Attacks

Smart Phone E-mail Setup Instructions

Setup instructions for getting RCTC E-mail and calendar on your smart phone.