Budget vs. Actuals by Program


The Budget vs Actuals by Program Report in Workday shows current Year-to-Date, Prior Year-to-Date, and Prior Full Year totals. Use the Budget vs Actuals by Program to see how your budget compares with actuals that have been spent to date against your budget.


Employees with Cost Center Manager or Cost Center Financial Analyst roles in Workday (Managers, Deans, Program Leads, etc.).



There are 2 options to access this report.

  1. Access it ad-hoc via Search and recreate it with desired values for pre-defined fields,
  2. Save the report in favorite links and use it from there when needed. Both these options are listed below.

Note: This report should be available to Deans, Managers and Supervisors by default, but if it is not and you need access, please submit a ticket to Finance using the "Request Help" button to the right.

Option 1:  finding the report through search and populating the fields.

  1. In the search field, type either "budget vs actual" or the exact report number "RPT00290" to find the report:

    Budget vs Actual Search Results
  2. Once you get the "RPT00290 - Budget vs Actual by Program" report in the search list, click on it and you should get the report definition pop-up box.
  3. In the "Company" field, type "ROCH" and hit enter to bring in your institution information:

    Company Field
  4. In the "Organization" field, select "My Organization"...

    My Organizations

    ...then select the Cost Center associated with your area that you would like to view, for example:

    Cost Center
  5. For the "Budget Structure" field, select the "Annual Operating - Parent" option:

    Annual Operating - Parent
  6. For the "Period" field, select the time period that you want to view information for; for example, "Fiscal Period"...

    Period Field

    ...then the current fiscal year, for example...

    Fiscal Period

    ...then select the last month of the fiscal year so that you can view the entire year's data...


    The Final view of the report should look something like this image...

    Final view
  7. Finally, select "OK" to run the report.


Option 2:  Once the report has been run the first time, you can save the report as a favorite and refer to it directly and completely, with all the fields pre-populated.

  1. While the report is open, go up to the three-dot 'elipsis 'next to the report name and select "Favorites" and then select "Add":

  2. This report should now be listed in your "Shortcuts" list under the Workday Menu.



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Service ID: 10700
Wed 7/10/24 2:19 PM
Thu 7/11/24 3:30 PM