Manager - Approve / Assign Schedule


Manager Approval and Assignment of Worker-Requested Work Schedules


Employees (Managers)



As a Manager, follow the steps to approve work schedule request in Workday.

  • Step 1. On your Workday homepage, select the Assign Work Schedule from the list of tasks under Awaiting Your Action.
  • Step 2. Review the details of the work schedule change request. Select one of the following buttons, as per the scenario:
    • a. Approve: Approve the employee’s work schedule request.
    • b. Send Back: Send back the request with comments specifying the required edits.
    • c. Add Approvers: Add approvers to the queue for the work schedule request.
    • d. Deny: Reject the work schedule request.
    • e. Cancel: Skip the task. You can return to it later for approval.
      You have completed the steps to approve work schedule change in Workday.


As a Manager, follow the steps to assign work schedule in Workday.

  • Step 1. On your Workday homepage, type Assign Work Schedule in the search bar and select the task.
  • Step 2. On the Assign Work Schedule page, specify the Worker for whom you are assigning the work schedule, provide the Start Date and End Date of the schedule, and select the appropriate Work Schedule Calendar from the list. Click OK. You have completed the steps to assign work schedule to a worker in Workday. If the work schedule needed for your employee is not in the list, please follow instructions for assigning a custom work schedule in the next section.

Note: Managers and Campus HR have security to modify a schedule to align with the hours that are needed. All schedule changes by Campus HR must be approved by the Manager. It is automatically approved when the Manager makes these changes. The employee will receive a notification in Workday when the schedule is updated or approved.


As a Manager/Campus HR, follow the steps to assign custom work schedule in Workday.

  • Step 1. On your Workday homepage, type Assign Custom Work Schedule in the search bar and select the task.
  • Step 2. On the Assign Custom Work Schedule page, specify the Worker for whom you are assigning the custom work schedule, provide the Start Date and End Date of the schedule, if needed, and select the appropriate option from the list. Click OK.
  • Note: You can also select Start from Another Worker’s Schedule if you have another worker with the same “custom” schedule.
  • Step 3. Enter Pattern Start Date and click Pattern Details which allows for updates to each individual working day.
  • Step 4. Enter Pattern Details and click Done.
  • Step 5. Click OK on the Assign Custom Work Schedule page after entering the pattern details. You have completed the steps to assign custom work schedule to a worker in Workday.


 More Information

Icon for the MP4 file type

Demo Video - Work Schedule

This demo video walks employees and managers through the work schedule request and approval process.


Icon for the PDF file type

WD09 Approving Work Schedule Job Aid

This job aid walks through the steps to approve leave of absence, return worker from leave of absence, approve work schedule request, assign work schedule change, and assign custom work schedule in Workday.

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Service ID: 10690
Wed 7/3/24 3:36 PM
Wed 7/3/24 3:43 PM