Delegation Access / Management


The Delegation functionality in Workday allows another employee to act on your behalf. This functionality is useful in situations such as: when you are on vacation, unavailable to approve transactions/provide monitoring of processes, etc. In such situations, you may delegate a specific task or action item to executive assistants or another administrator.





  • Accessing Delegations
    • Step 1. Click the Inbox icon to access the Inbox.
    • Step 2. Select Manage Delegations. You will be navigated to the Manage Delegations screen.
    • Step 3. To manage your delegations, click Manage Delegations.
  • Managing Delegations
    • Step 1. Enter the Begin Date and End Date for the delegation.
      Note: You can set the Begin Date as the current date or a future date. You cannot back date your delegations.
    • Step 2. Select a user to delegate your tasks to in the Delegate field.
    • Step 3. You can click the checkbox Use Alternate Delegate box and select the user in the Alternate Delegate field if the primary delegate could not act on the assigned delegations.
    • Step 4. Select whether to delegate For all Business Processes, For Business Processes, or None of the above in the Do Inbox Tasks On My Behalf column.
    • Step 5. Click the Retain Access to Delegated Tasks within My Tasks checkbox to view and modify Inbox. Selecting this checkbox will allow you to access the delegated tasks from your Inbox.
    • Step 6. If required, add comments in the enter your comment field.
    • Step 7. Click Drop files here in the gray area under the Attachments section to attach any relevant files. Click Submit.
      Note: If you delegated an interview related action item, you may consider attaching the resume of the candidate they are required to interview in your absence.
    • Step 8. Once submitted, you can view the Details and Process. Click Done.
  • Viewing Current Task Delegations
    • Step 1. Click the Current Task Delegations tab.
  • Viewing Delegation History
    • Step 1. Click the Delegation History tab.
  • Viewing Delegated Tasks
    • Step 1. Click the Delegated Tasks tab.
  • Viewing More Delegated Tasks
    • Step 1. Click View More Delegated Tasks, at the bottom left of Delegated Tasks tab.
    • Step 2. Select a Start date.
    • Step 3. Select an End date. Click Ok. A list of Delegated Tasks displays.
  • Viewing Business Processes Allowed for Delegation
    • Step 1. Click the Business Processes allowed for Delegation tab. A list of Business Processes allowed for Delegation displays.

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Accessing and Managing Delegations in Workday

This job aid walks through the steps to access and manage delegations in Workday.

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Service ID: 10538
Wed 5/29/24 4:10 PM
Tue 7/16/24 1:53 PM