Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has some useful information on foundational cybersecurity and other tips to help you navigate the digital/online world.
1. Identify Theft: https://www.identitytheft.gov/ (https://consumer.ftc.gov/features/identity-theft)
2. How to Avoid a Scam: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-avoid-scam#report
3. Laptop Security: https://www.bulkorder.ftc.gov/sites/bulkorder.ftc.gov/files/publications/721a_laptop-security-bookmark-july2023_508.pdf
4. Use a Strong Password:
(1) 13 characters or more
(2) Has 4 complexity factors:
i.CAPITAL letters,
ii.small letters,
iii.numbers [0…9],
iv.special characters [~!@#$%^&*()_+]
An Example is: (My20CharPass@RCTC!)